Wednesday 11 June 2008

Gladys Knight - Soul Divas Knight Labelle Hate Make-up

GLADYS KNIGHT and PATTI LABELLE have shattered their diva reputations by revealing they hate wearing make-up - and would prefer to hit the stage in jeans and T-shirts.

The soul queens sat down with Chaka Khan for a U.S. TV interview, and all agreed that the thing they hate most about being a celebrity is having to look their best all the time.

Knight says, "I hate it. I do not wear make-up if I don't have to."

And LaBelle adds, "I don't like having to sit for a freakin' hour and get a face painted on... I said I'm gonna go onstage next week (with) just my own ponytails, jeans and a shirt and see how you like me now."

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